
Ridley Creek State Park is surrounded by many counties and small towns that have various hotels, motels and bed & breakfasts for all your accommodation needs. The following are some places that are close by.

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Most hotels are approximately a 15-20 minute drive or taxi ride to Ridley Creek State Park. We recommend some of the following hotels where people will be staying:

943 South High Street, West Chester, PA‎ - (610) 692-1900

1110 Baltimore Pike, Glen Mills, PA‎ - (610) 358-1700‎ - 7.0 mi SW

1310 Wilmington Pike, West Chester, PA‎ - (610) 399-4600‎ - 6.9 mi SW

500 Willowbrook Lane, West Chester, PA‎ - (610) 738-9111‎ - 7.1 mi W

1 Liberty Boulevard, Malvern, PA‎ - (610) 296-9800‎ - 8.2 mi NW
Routes 202 and 30, 707 E. Lancaster Ave, Frazer/Malvern, PA‎ - 

We will be staying in West Chester where Margaret's family lives. Please contact us if you are having difficulty securing accommodations.